Templeton: Registration

About the release of Templeton

Templeton has been released as shareware. Since (prior to being released) it did not have any funding and did not support my living expences, it was developed only when I had some free time. (By making it shareware, it provides some amount of funding and creates a great incentive for me to allocate more time to its development. This is a hint: If you like it or want more features or just want me to come out with the "next version" a little faster, then register it.)

As an unregistered version, Templeton will only run for 10 minutes. Thus, Templeton is NOT for use in countries that do not permit crippled or time-limited software, such as some European nations. This limited beta will also expire after a few months, forcing you to download a newer version. Also, Templeton will pause for a minimum of 5 seconds before each network transaction. This version of Templeton is not crippled in any way and is fully functional.

When you register, you will receive a special code that removes the expiration date and time limit, and allow you to set the sleep time (delay time before a network transaction) to anything, even as low as zero! And best of all, you will only need to register once. I'm trying to make it so a registered computer will only need to be registered once per machine, regardless of operating system.

Flame on. Finally, there has been a lot of discussion on the 'net about threats toward shareware and commercial software developers. I have put a lot of effort into Templeton and, even before its release, I had received threats to make it available "now" and make it "free" and to "give free copies or else". My response: No Free Copies. No Discounts. No release of the source code. If you don't like this, then don't use my software. Flame off.

Some of the future enhancements to Templeton will include a GUI, a way to turn off remote mapping, multiple operating system support, and other features that people request. Templeton currently runs under AIX, Solaris, SunOS, Linux, HP-UX, IRIX, and other Unix variants as well as OS/2. I am willing to put some effort into a Windows version, but I do not own Windows NT nor Win95, so they may take a while. Also, I still need to make registration work under all those other operating systems, but Linix and Solaris will probably be available before by verion 2.0.

How To Register

There are three (3) ways to register Templeton:
  1. Register a single machine. This requires the special machine code that Templeton displays. Registration costs $25 (in U.S. currency).
  2. Register a specific IP address. Please sent the IP address in standard dot notation (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) along with $50 (in U.S. currency). Reserved IP addresses, such as will not be registered. If you are uncertain, please send e-mail to dr.neal@worldnet.att.net.
  3. Register an entire subnet. Pricing varies. Contact the address below for more information.
To register Templeton, send your registration information and fee (in U.S. currency) to:
c/o: Neal Krawetz
P.O. Box 345
Savoy, IL
Be sure to include: U.S. currency only, no credit cards or money orders. All provided information will be kept strictly confidential and will not be released or sold to third parties.

Feel free to include any questions, comments, or suggestions. Any and all questions, comments, and suggestions sent are considered the property of Neal Krawetz and without further compensation.

Please read all the legal stuff before registering.

Questions, comments, and suggestions may also be e-mailed to: dr.neal@worldnet.att.net. I will read all messages and will try to respond to as many as I can.

Thank you.

[Main Menu]
Document revision: 9 Oct. 1996 for Templeton 1.76 beta
Copyright 1996 N.A. Krawetz
Modification, republication, and redistribution of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.